the new website is online

Energy efficiency and optimisation of resources to create corporate value.

After almost twenty years in the electricity supply field, the Group has “revamped its look”, starting with the new website that clearly presents the Geogreen services. But the core business does not change: Geogreen is a group operating in the Energy industry, providing an integrated system of products and services, ensuring the best quality, reliability, and convenience, while fully respecting the environment.

Founded in 2000 as a company serving the industrial activities of the Radici family, Geogreen expanded its horizons and today is able to satisfy other customers’ needs with its six hydroelectric power plants located in Lombardy and Piedmont. The average annual production is approximately 60 million kWh, with an overall electricity generating capacity of 12 MW.

There is also a cogeneration power plant, Novel in Novara, that is capable of producing approximately 700 GWh of electricity per year.

In fact, Geogreen contributes to guaranteeing RadiciGroup an excellent production mix from the sustainability point of view. Indeed, the Geogreen hydroelectric power production completely covers the two Radici Novacips plants in Italy (manufacture of technopolymers) and the energy needs related to the polymerisation processes for the Group’s other Italian facilities.

Besides Novel, which qualifies as a High-Efficiency Cogeneration (HEC) plant according to the highest energy efficiency standards, is able of directly supplying 80 GWh/year to Radici Chimica SpA in Novara.


“I like to say that ours is zero kilometre energy,” stated Massimo De Petro, CEO of the Geogreen Group, “and fulfils a precise mission that we set for ourselves – energy efficiency as a corporate value. Investments are primarily destined for areas in which the Radici family companies operate, with the intention being to best serve their energy needs and, more and more, from renewable sources.”


Even the recent investment made for the Campignano MVF power plant is headed in the direction of optimising resources. This is a small power plant that uses the Minimum Vital Flow from the nearby Campignano hydroelectric power plant in Piario (Bergamo), an operation that prevents the dispersion of “clean energy” and that has an annual production of 350,000 KWh, equal to the energy needs of 130 families. This prevents the atmospheric emission of 190 tonnes of CO2.


“Ours is a work in progress,” concludes De Petro. “We are always looking for new initiatives in the hydroelectric industry that can meet even more of the renewable energy needs for the RadiciGroup and all of our customers.”